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Come to me report

A report from Eva Eberlein-Sido, our Youth Representative in the European Sub-committee of ICCRS, on a worldwide youth prayer-initiative that was born in Bethlehem last November and took place on the 31st of May.

God is good!

Last November in Bethlehem at the Prophetic Consultation organized by ICCRS Jesus said: “Come to me! I will give you new power!”
Young people present there decided to answer this call. So we invited the youth of the CCR to this amazing encounter with Jesus called “Come to me!” on 31st of May, 2014 at 11.00 am GMT.
The response was amazing: youth from 50 countries together with one heart in the presence of the Eucharist at the same time interceding for one hour and experiencing a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit! From Chile to New Zealand and from Sweden to South Africa countless youth cried out for revival!
Testimonies and pictures are still coming in from the different parts of the world. Its amazing that in Jesus we can be together regardless of space and finances. We can unite and sing together:
“There is power in this hour. We're all together waiting here as one.” Indeed we have been together for that one hour waiting for the promise of the Lord.
Praise God for he is faithful! He always keeps his promises.
Let us continue to keep each-other in prayer and unite our prayers for the youth. They are the future of the Church and they need prayer and guidance!
I want to say thanks to all those who responded to this call.
Pictures and testimonies
You can find pictures and testimonies on the Facebook page of the event:https://www.facebook.com/youth.ccr
Eva Eberlein-Sido
Youth Representative
European Subcommittee of ICCRS